
Appalachian Region 2

1. Translate the word "plateau" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

2. Find a picture of the Appalachian plateau. Post it. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

Maybe it just a part of the whole plateau , but there looks so desolate ... No life , no plants , no more green , just deep brown soil and large cliff. And there 's also many frightful breaks. Probably there are no animals or humans live.

3. Translate the word "fertile" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.
1. (动植物)多产的,繁殖力强的
2. (土地)肥沃的,富饶的,丰产的

4. Can vegetation grown on a fertile plateau?
In my opinion , some of vegetation may be, and they can grow well . But some can't. Such as you put coconut palms in cold place and they will die , though Chinese cabbage can grow very well and delicious.

5. Translate the word "river valley" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

6. Find a picture of a river valley. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

This is a photograph about The Smoky River Valley . The photographer used high-angle shot to take it , so it looks very glorious . The mountains are behind mountains , not stop , until very far place that we can't see . A little snow is on the top of the mountains . There's also river across the valley.

7. Find a picture to show the meaning of "sedimentary rock".

8. Translate the word "sedimentary rock" .
In many many years ago , some erode plants or other things were buryed under the land.When the time past , they change into anyother substances , and some become sedimentary rocks.

