
Regional Geography

1. Are there geographical regions in China or Korea? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

In China there are Loess Plateau , North China Plain , Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ... and so on . Plateau has a high elevation and plain is flat . The geography in China is from high to low , from west to east , like 3 ladders .

2. Post 3 pictures of China's or Korea's regional geography. It can be photographs. Explain each picture in 5-8 sentences.

This is a map of China and it tells us the regions in China . Also deviding the provinces . Almost the country is a whole land . But Xianggang and Taiwan are two islands . They are also special administrative regions .

This is Lijiang City in Yunnan province . The province is in the southwest in China . The climate is temperate climate , always warm and wet in the whole year . In summer there is hot and rains , in winter is warm and a little dry but also often rain . The stream goes across the whole old city . Lijiang City has a long history and many culture in there .
This is a photograph of Elephant Nose Mountain in Guilin province . The hole inside the mountain is nature , nobody cut or excavate . In China people also say"Guilin's views are the best in world and Yangshuo's views are the best of Guilin ".This mountain is in the centre of Yangshuo and it's very famous .
3. What have you learned about regions so far? Explain in 5-8 sentences.

Many country has many different regions . They can accord by the continents they in . Like plateaus , plains , lakes , mountains , hills ... etc . Canada is a country that conponent by plains mainly , and some areas are good to planting crops . But some areas that near the north of earth , they are very very cold and full of tigs and ices . China is more mild because of the lower latitude .


Climate Continued!

1a. Translate ocean into Chinese or Korean.
1b. Which Canadian province is closest to the Pacific Ocean?
British Columbia .
1c. Which Canadian provinces is closest to the Atlantic Ocean?
Newfoundland , St.John's , P.E.I. , New Brunswick

2. Find a picture of the Pacific Ocean you like. Explain why you like it in 3-5 sentences.

The white waves go to the coast again and again . Cliff stands beside the ocean . The sky is gray and deep-blue ocean lies under the sky . It's a little oppressive , but also magnificent .

3. Find a picture of the Atlantic Ocean you like. Explain why you like it.in 3-5 sentences.

This is a map of Atlantic Ocean . It shows the location of the ocean in the world . Atlantic Ocean abuts lots of continents , like Europe , Africa , America ... And it also has a huge square .
4. Why would the Interior Plains region's climate be affected by the ocean. What does the ocean do for the climate? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Look at your past lesson.
The ocean current can affect the climate . Currents is according the seawater's change . If it changes , it can bring warm or cold air to the land , and affect the climate of lands . When it brings warm air , the climate may be hot and wet . When it brings cold air , the climate may be cold and dry , no rains but wind .

5. What continent is the Interior Plains region on? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Continent...?Of course Canada and it's in North America...see the world map and can find it easily . It's also in the west part of Canada .

6. Where is the Interior Plains region on this continent? What provinces are in this region?
In the Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba .

7. What did you learn today?
The climate of the Interior Plains . It's continent climate . And the location of this region .


The Interior Plains - Climate and Vegetation

1. What is a continent? Find a picture of a continent. Post it here. Explain in 3-5 sentences what you see.

The continent is lands in the whole world . They are the complete plates and always have big squares . In the picture , there are the lands of earth . But are not all of continents . There are only four continents , Americas , Europe , Africa , Asia .

2. Find a map of all the continents in the world. Post it here. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

There are 7 continents in the whole earth . North America , South America , Africa , Europe , Asia , Oceania and Antarctica . They are distributed uneven on earth . The continents in Northern Hemisphere are North America , Europe , Asia . The continents in Southern Hemisphere are South America , Africa , Oceania and Antractica .
3. Can you list some continents in the world? Write as many as you can find.
North America , South America , Africa , Europe , Asia , Oceania and Antarctica .
4. Translate the word "extreme" into Chinese or Korean.
5. What did you learn today? How does this connect to the last lesson? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
Today we went into the Interior Plains again - I do not think we have learnt about it though the title is it . We know the mean of continent and see the continents on earth and also their location . For one more , I want to know the meaning of teacher lets us find the pictures ...


The Interior Plains - Topography

1. Translate the word "prairie" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

2.What provinces are in the Interior Plains Region?
In the Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba .

3. What does the landscape of the Interior Plains look like? Do a search and post 2 different pictures of this region. Explain what is in each picture in 3-5 sentences EACH.

This is a part of lake in the Interior Plains . The lakewater is blue-green and a big levee goes across the water . In the land there are many tree and plants .

4. Translate the word "elevation", "flat", "level" into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.
elevation - 海拔
flat - 平坦的,平面
level - 水平 ,高度

5. How many levels of elevation is in this region?
3 levels.

6. What happens when you move to the east? What happens to the elevation?
Descend more and more . The elevation also descend .

7. Find a picture of a sand dune. Post it here.

8. Translate the word "population" into Chinese or Korean.

9. What do people live close to in this region? Why do they do that? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Products, supplies, goods and services . They use water resources to do that because these things must need waters to do . If they don't have water , the crops cannot grow ... like that , anything can be done . In other way , if we have water , we can do many things that by using water .

10. Why are water routes important to people? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
If the water routes are wrong , people cannot use it effectivlly . For example , if we want to use water to irrigate crops , but the water is very very far from the field - like it needs 3 months to get the field - the crops will die and we cannot grow things . So the routes is very important for water using .

11. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
The Interior plains . The geographys are plain , prairie ,sand dune... and so on . The elevation of it has 3 levels . And also the situration of people lives there . Canada is a country with many different terrains .


Short Summary

1. What are the regions of Canada we have learned about?
St.Lawrence River
The Great Lakes
The Arctic Coastal Plains
Appalachian Region

2. Choose one region, and tell me how your life would be like in this region. Use 5-8 sentences.
If I live in the Arctic Coastal Plains , I will wear many many clothes to keep my body warm . I can play with wolves and arctic bears every day(if I won't be eaten by them) . Tents will be my house and I will adorn it beautifully . My food is fishes and drink icewater . Maybe I will live hardly there because I'm a temperate animal...

3. Look at your older posts, what vocabulary words have I asked you to translate? List all of them here.
topography 地形图
climate 气候
vegetation 植被
geography 地理
province 省
mountain 山脉
plateau 高原
fertile 富饶的
river valley 河谷
sedimentary rock 被风化的岩石
ocean current 洋流
gulf stream 湾流
forest 森林
coniferous 结球果的
deciduous 每年落叶的
escarpment 悬崖
glaciation 冰川
humid 湿润的
maple trees 枫树
beech trees 山毛榉
hickory trees 山核桃树
oak trees 橡树
spruce trees 云杉树
pine trees 松树
cedar trees 雪松树
lake Sturgeon 湖鲟
saint 圣徒
geese 鹅


St. Lawrence River

1. Find a map of the St. Lawrence River and post it. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

It comes from Lake Ontario in the Greak Lakes and gose into Atlantic Ocean . The square of the river like a gun . It goes behind Quebec City .

2.Where is the St. Lawrence River in Canada? What provinces are around this river?
In the southwest of Canada . Quebec .

3. Inside this river, there are fish called Lake Sturgeon. Translate "Lake Sturgeon" into Chinese or Korean.

4. Find a picture of Lake Sturgeon and post it. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

The color of the fish is light gray gold . It's very big and I guess maybe it is 1.5 meters long . The head of this fish looks like a mouse because of its shape mouth and its gills like mouse's ears .

5. This river is very important to Canadian history because an explorer named "Jacques Cartier" wanted to use it to get to China! Find a picture of Jacques Cartier and post it here.

6. On St. Lawrence's Day in 1535, Jacques Cartier gave the saint's name to one small bay near the river's mouth, but by 1600, it was used to describe the entire river. Find a picture of Saint Laurence, the saint the river was named after. Post it and explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences!

The water of river is deep blue and very beautiful . The trees and plants grows in the riparian , and the shadows of sky reflected in the river .

7. Translate "saint" into Chinese or Korean.


8. There are also lots of snow geese who come to the St. Lawrence River. Google a picture of this and post it here. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

Although they called "snow" geese , they are not always live in the snow . The name is because of the color of their white body . But the end of their wings are black . They live near the water , maybe they will get food and water easily there .
9. Translate "geese" into Chinese or Korean.

10. What did you learn today? 3-5 sentences!
Today we went to St.Lawrence River and walked along it . I know the position of the river and its history include a explorer who thought it maybe goes to China . This is a beautiful place .


The Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland Region Part 3

1. What is the word for vegetation in Chinese or Korean. Translate and put it here.

2. There are a lot of broad-leafed forests in this region. What do these forests look like? Find a picture, post it and explain it in 3-5 sentence. What do you see?

This is just a very very little corner of broad-leafed forest . The leaf of a kind of plant is wide and long . The pink flowers grow behind the leaf . This corner is quiet and damp , an absolute space in the forest .

3. What does a broad-leaf look like? Post a picture and explain what you think "broad" means

4. There are maple trees in this region. Find a picture of a maple tree. Post it

5. What is the Chinese or Korean word for maple trees?

6. There are beech trees as well. Find a picture of a beech tree. Post it

7. What is the Chinese or Korean word for beech trees?

8. There are also Hickory trees in this region. Find a picture of a hickory tree. Post it.

9. What is the Chinese or Korean word for hickory tree?

10. In other places of the region, the vegetation is a mixed forest. It has a mix of both decidous and coniferous trees, such as maple, beech, oak, ash, and birch, along with spruce, fir, pine and cedar. Find a picture of a mixed forest. Post it! Explain what "mixed" means!

Both with decidous and coniferous forest.

11. Find a picture of an oak tree.Find a picture. Post it.

12. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

13. What is a spruce tree. Find a picture. Post it.

14. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

15. Find a picture of a pine tree. Post it.

16. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

17. What is a cedar tree? Find a picture. Post it.

18. What is the Chinese or Korean word for it?

19. What did you learn from this lesson? Explain in 8-12 sentences.

I know the different kinds of trees in the area of the Great Lakes . Aand also see the looking of them . In the broad-leafed forests , the kinds of trees are very different . There are maple trees that leaves will fall down in winter and also pine trees which always keep green all the year . I don't know why the different can live in the same broad-leafed forests together . Maybe the vegetation of the Greak Lakes area is more important than a board-leafed forests?
...Sorry I forgot the mixed forests.


The Great Lakes' Climate

1. Translate the word humid into Chinese or Korean. Post it here.

2. What does humid mean? Explain in your own words using 3-5 sentences.
Wet . If there's much rain in one area and no strongly sunlight to make the water evaporate , this area will be humid .

3. How can the Great Lakes cool the temperature during the summer? What do you think happens?
The warm temprature makes the water in the Great Lakes evaporates , the water changes into steam and goes into air . The steam makes the temprature goes down .

4. Find a photograph of Lake Michigan. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.

This is a topography of Lake Michigan . This part of the Great Lake is in America . The square looks like a stand bug or a shoe . It is also very large .

5. Find a photograph of Lake Superior. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.

There is a cliff and a observation tower sits on it . The lake water is under the cliff . The color of it is deep blue , waves go one by one . It looks like a seaview .

6. Find a photograph of Lake Erie. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.

The lakeshore of Lake Erie is so flat that maple trees can live ... We can see a small ground near the shore , properly we can swim to there=v= Maybe because of the sunlight , the water's color is light blue . It looks different with Lake Superior .

7. Find a photograph of Lake Huron. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.

This is a picture that tooks form overlooking . We can see the green land with many abundant forests , the white beach and the lake water . In the lake there are also some small lands .

8. Find a photograph of Lake Ontario. Explain what you see in the picture using 3-5 sentences.Did you know the Great Lakes can be remembered by the word "home"? H is for? O is for? M is for? E is for? S is for?

This is the beautiful sunset in Lake Ontario . If you look at a distance , you will see the small cities . Clouds is floating in the sky .
H - Huron
O - Ontario
M - Michigan
E - Erie,
S - superior

9. Why is this region a good place for agriculture? Tell me three reasons and explain in 5-8 sentences.
First , the climate there is humid . It means there is enough water to make plants keep alive and grow well . Second , there has enouth plains to seeding crops . Third , the suitable sunshine also can make crops grow well . But you must pay attention to grow what kind of crops there . If you cultivation coconut trees there ... maybe there isn't a good place .

10. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences
I know the five part of the Great Lakes , where they are and what they look like . Also how to remember the names of the five part - use "home" .


The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland

1. Find a picture of this region. Post it and explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

This is the Great Lake that nears Chicago . The water in lake is blue . And the square of the lake is very large because it looks like seas form picture . Chicago city just behinds the lake , they almost like fuse together .

2. Translate the word escarpment into Chinese or Korean.

3. What is escarpment? Use 3 sentences to explain what it is.
The broken part of mountains . Maybe earthquakes or other disasters make the mountain broken , and the fracture called escarpment .

4. Find a picture of the Niagara Escarpment in this region.

5. The topography of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland has a rolling landscape made by glaciation. Find a picture of a rolling landscape (it does not have to be in this region) and explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

The vegetation is very abundant here . Grassland covers almost soil and rivers go across . Also some pools adorn . If you look at the distance , you will see some hills . I guess this views called rolling landscape because the land isn't very flat , it ups and downs , looks like "rolling" .

6. What is glaciation? Translate into Chinese or Korean.

7. Explain in English 3-5 sentences. What is glaciation?
The icebergs get together and become glaciation . It just in cold areas because the ice will melt in warm . The glaciation has large square of ice .

9. Find a picture of glaciation. Explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

Expect ice and snow , there's nothing . Maybe there's animal like wolves sleeping under the snow . Although you look at the distance , there's also ice , ice and ice .

10. There are also flat plains in this region. What do flat plains look like? Find a picture and explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

There's endless flat plains . Land is very flat , no mountains , no hills ... so it called "flat" plains . There are grasslands , vegetations , may be also some small lake ... The highway goes across the plain.

11. There are also deep river valleys. What do they look like? Find a picture and explain what you see in 3-5 sentences.

I don't know why this picture is called "river" valleys ? It looks really like a sea ! Maybe the Great Lake is so large that makes the deep river valleys like a part of sea ... The water is blue and it is very deep . Maybe there's also some lands .

12. Find a picture of the Great Lakes. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.

This is the topography about the Great Lakes . It has 5 parts in different provinces . The square of it is very big and there 's almost water .
13. What is the name of each Great Lake?
Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario.

14. What did you learn about the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowland region?
There ' s many different topography , such as escarpment , rolling landscape , glaciation and flat plains ...


The Arctic Coastal Plains

1. From the website, what animals are found in this region? List three animals.
Wolves,caribous and minks.

2. Find a picture for one animal in this region. Choose one from Question 1.


3. What kind of vegetation is found in this region? List three plants.
Mosses,grasses and poppies.

4. Find a picture for one plant in this region. Choose one from Question 3.


5. Is this region different from the Appalachian region? Tell me one thing that is different.
Yes,it is.The Arcitc Coastal Plains is near the sea but the Appalachian region not.

6. Find a picture of the Yukon Territories.

7. Find a picture of Nunavut.

8. Find a picture of the Northwest Territories.

9. How would you feel if you had to live in this region? (3-5 sentences)
Very cold because this region is near the northest part of earth and behind arctic . The latitude is tall , so the temperature is low and there are seas , ice and ice mountain . There is also some animals that can just live in cold areas , such as arctic bears . And there's also quiet and lonely because of the bad weather , there's no or very few humans live .

10. If you had to go to the Arctic Coastal Plains, what would you bring with you? (3-5 sentences)
Thick and warm clothes , plush hat and gloves to keep warm in cold plains . A good tent to sleep in the night because I want to see aurora in the wild . A SLR to take pictures of special views.


1. Why is learning about different regions in Canada important?
Through learning we can know different stations of different regions in Canada , and know this country more exhaustive .


Social summary

1.Write 5-8 sentences on what you have learned in this class.
First I know about Canadian provinces and capital cities.There's 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada and every province and territory has its own capital city.Also provincial flags,birds and flowers.
Second is Canada's history and O Canada.Like Canada became a country on July.1st,1867...etc.
Third we learn about Canadian geography.Translate some special words and show pictures of them and explain.Such as topography,vegetation,ocean current,plateau...etc.And also something can affect Canada's weather and climate.
We also wrote poems,watched videos about Canada and Winnie the pooh...

2. Give yourself a mark out of 10. How much have you worked in class? Do you try your best?
Maybe 80%?Sometimes I use my cellphone and have not finish the bonus...just questions must do.